Saturday, November 8, 2014

Spiritual Defense

Spiritual Defense
The character learns to defend himself and others against attack by spirits, ghosts, and other ephemeral beings. Unlike wardings, these Siddhi involve immediate actions purified can perform to drive away ephemeral attackers rather than creating a lasting protection.

[ 1 ] Exorcism
Cost: 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Charisma + Expression + Chi versus Willpower
Action: Instant and contested; target reflexively rolls Willpower
The character can drive out a spirit or ghost inhabiting a person or object simply by touching the possessed individual. Exorcism can only be used to protect targets in the mortal world, since spirits cannot possess beings in Twilight or the Shadow Realm. If the purified wins the contest, the spirit or ghost must instantly depart from the person or object it is possessing. The spirit cannot attempt to possess the same target again for at least one full day. To use this power, the character must maintain physical contact with the possessed object or person for one entire turn. If this contact is broken before the turn ends, the exorcism attempt automatically fails. When dealing with the Ridden, the character can drive the spirit out of a Spirit-Urged or Spirit-Thieved host but not one of the Spirit-Claimed.

[ 2 ] Touch Of Death Or Life

Cost: 1 Essence + (optionally) 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Wits + Medicine + Chi
Action: Instant
The character can either directly attack spirits and ghosts, damaging their corpus, or she can reverse this ability and heal their corpus. The character can use both facets of this Siddhi in the mortal world as well as in Twilight, the Underworld, and the Shadow Realm. To use either ability, the character must touch the target. Usually, this means the character must enter melee combat with the spirit or ghost to harm it. When the character uses this ability to cause harm, spirits and anyone else with the ability to see into Twilight or the Shadow Realm sees the purified holding a glowing melee weapon of some sort. If the character uses this ability to heal, she appears to hold some sort of glowing rod. If the character uses ability on a spirit or ghost who is riding or otherwise possessing someone in any fashion, it harms or heals the spirit or ghost, but has no effect on the person who is possessed. When used as a weapon, each success does one level of lethal damage to the target's corpus. If the character also spends a point of Willpower, this damage becomes aggravated. When used to heal, each success heals one point (of any type) of corpus damage.

[ 3 ] Mass Banishing

Cost: 3 Essence + 2 Willpower
Dice Pool: Charisma + Intimidation + Chi versus Willpower
Action: Instant and contested; targets roll Willpower automatically
Purified can learn to banish ghosts and spirits en mass as well as individually; this power only works on spirits and ghosts that are either in Twilight or that are physically manifesting in the mortal world. It specifically does not affect spirits who are possessing individuals, since they have a firmer connection to the mortal world. The purified can affect every spirit and ghost within 20 yards. To use this spell, she must say a short chant loudly enough to be heard within this range. When the chant is concluded, every spirit or ghost within range must resist the spell or be banished back to their native realm. Banished spirits and ghosts return to the Shadow Realm or the Underworld and cannot attempt to return to either Twilight or the mortal world for one full day. This power also instantly ends all uses of the Reaching Numina that are within range or other Numina used by spirits or ghosts in another realm to affect the mortal world.

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