[ 1 ] Tread Lightly
Cost: NoneDice Pool: Dexterity + Athletics + Chi
Action: Instant
As the first step on learning to interact physically with the Twilight realm, the character learns to transfer a portion of her weight there. The character greatly reduces her weight for the next full scene. Although this reduction in weight does not allow the character to fly or even jump further than normal, but she takes only bashing damage from falling, regardless of the distance. In addition, she can walk or run over any surface, including water, tissue paper, or thin panes of glass. She can also walk across mud, dry sand, or any other surface without leaving tracks or getting her feet even damp. She can also climb up surfaces too fragile to support her normal weight. However, she cannot run any faster or climb any better than usual.
[ 2 ] Breach Barriers
Cost: 1 EssenceDice Pool: Wits + Larceny + Chi
Action: Instant
The character learns to shift his body into Twilight for a brief instant. This allows the purified to walk through walls and similar barriers. Briefly stepping into Twilight allows the character to walk through any barrier that is no thicker than one yard. He can step through a closed door, walk through a wall, or even jump from one floor down to another. When walking through a barrier, the character makes no noise and does not disturb the barrier at all. Instead, he vanishes for an instant and reappears just on the other side of the barrier. The character cannot use this power to pass through a barrier thicker than one yard. Attempts to do so automatically fail, leaving the character bumping his nose against the barrier.
[ 3 ] Twilight Shift
Cost: 2 Essence + 1 WillpowerDice Pool: Presence + Wits + Chi
Action: Instant
The character learns to shift her body fully into Twilight. By doing so, she becomes completely invisible and intangible, and can physically interact with all ghosts and spirits in Twilight. She can also use this power to gain access to the interior of almost any building by walking into it in Twilight and then shifting back to the mortal world inside. The character remains in Twilight for one scene, unless she decides to leave it earlier. Entering and leaving Twilight both take one action. Leaving Twilight requires no roll and no expenditure of Essence.
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