Sunday, November 16, 2014


The most basic form of magic taught by the Imperial Ministry of Thaumaturgical Education are called Galdors. These spells are taught at the earliest levels of education as teaching tools for more advanced techniques. While minor in ability, they can be very helpful in everyday life.
A character may know a maximum number of Galdors equal to their Wits + Occult. Casting a Galdor is a standard action that does not require the expenditure or Willpower or any other supernatural force. Learning a new Galdor costs 5 xp or 2 Freebie points. A character may not have any more spells active than they have dots in Wits.
A character with 4 or more dots in Knowledges starts with a number Galdors equal to their Intelligence as a sign of their education.

Balance Weapon
Dice Pool: Wits + Melee
This spell gives a melee weapon improved balance, making it easier to strike with. The ability only works on a weapon the caster can wield with one hand. The spell gives the caster +1D to all strike and parry rolls made with the weapon for 1 scene. The spell only works on one weapon at a time, if the caster drops or sheaths the weapon, they must recast the spell.

Dice Pool: Wits + Survival
Simple bed gathers, loosens and flattens surrounding vegetation, dead leaves and loose soil in order to create a very comfortable bed, which gives the caster a pleasant, restful night. The caster regains an extra point of Willpower after sleeping. If a character possesses this spell, and is attempting to set up camp in the wild, it reduces all Survival difficulties by -1.

Dice Pool: Wits + Occult
Once cast, a cantrip spell enables you to perform simple magical effects for 1 scene. The effects are minor and have severe limitations. A cantrip can slowly lift 1 pound of material. It can color, clean, or soil items in a 1-foot cube each round. It can chill, warm, or flavor 1 pound of nonliving material. It cannot deal damage or affect the concentration of spellcasters. Cantrip can create small objects, but they look crude and artificial. The materials created by a cantrip spell are extremely fragile, and they cannot be used as tools, weapons, or spell components. Finally, cantrip lacks the power to duplicate any other spell effects. Any actual change to an object (beyond just moving, cleaning, or soiling it) persists only 1 hour.

Cheater's Coin
Dice: Wits + Larceny
Cheater's Coin causes a coin you touch to always land with the same face up when flipped. You decide which face will land up at time of casting. You may only have one coin enchanted at one time, the spell lasts for 1 scene.

Dice Pool: Wits + Alertness
The character waves their hands in a circular motion over an object (or in the air to clean a room no larger than 10' by 10') and all dirt on the target immediately vanishes as though the object or room was just scrubbed thoroughly clean. The spell does not cleanse the room stains caused by blood, oil, or anything else that causes difficult stains.

Dice Pool: Wits + Alertness
The spell temporarily changes the color of a worn garment. The color of the garment may be any color the caster wishes, and the spell may be set to shift colors either in swirls or solid shifts. The spell lasts for 8 hours or until the caster removes the garment.

Dice Pool: Wits + Investigation
This spell allows the caster to quickly summarize a text of up to 250 pages. If a text is over 250 pages, two or more castings of the spell are needed to summarize the entire text. The caster chooses the form of the summary at the time of casting: mental or audible. The summary, in the form of a short paragraph, is either mentally understood at the end of casting or audibly spoken at the end of the spell’s casting.

Dice Pool: Wits + Alertness
Pointer causes you to emit a beam of light from the index finger of your dominant hand. This light can be any color in the visible spectrum chosen at time of casting. Unless the air has a high density of particles (such as smoke or fog) the light appears only as a dot against whatever solid surface at which you are pointing.
If a feline with 1 intelligence sees the dot, it must succeed at a Willpower roll or have an overpowering urge to hunt the dot. It will do so as if it were stalking any other creature, and may chase it rapidly or lie in wait at its own discretion. If chasing the dot poses an obvious danger, or if the feline is threatened by other dangers, the Willpower roll automatically succeeds. Likewise, if the feline encounters a danger while chasing the light, the effect ends.

Ease Pain
Dice Pool: Wits + Medicine
This spell alleviates minor pain experienced by the caster or target. The spell removes 1D of die penalties to a target for 24 hours. A target may only receive the benefits from one application of this spell at a time. This spell may be used in a preventive way to avoid possible penalties.

Fortified Cloth
Dice Pool: Wits + Survival
With a word, the character causes bedding, draperies, unworn loose clothing, or tapestries to gird the character, forming an improvised suit of armor. The armor provides +1D protection against Lethal and Bashing damage. When removed, the armor collapses back into its constituent parts. The caster may only have one such spell active at one time, and must be wearing the clothing at the time of the casting.

Far Whisper
Dice Pool: Wits + Expression
Time: 10 min / Success (Diff. 6)
You can whisper messages and receive whispered replies. Those nearby can hear these messages with a a successful Awareness check (Diff. 8). You point your finger at the person you want to receive the message, the caster may only carry on one conversation at a time. When you whisper, the whispered message is audible to all targeted creatures within range. The target must be no further than 50 feet from the caster. The message requires a line of sight between the caster and target. The creatures that receive the message can whisper a reply that you hear. The spell transmits sound, not meaning; it doesn't transcend language barriers. To speak a message, you must mouth the words and whisper.

Motion Blur
Dice Pool: Wits + Athletics/Dodge
This spell creates a blur around the caster making them more difficult to hit with attacks. The spell provides +1D to defense rolls for 1 scene. Even if the character does not defend, the character still rolls the bonus die to reduce the number of successes the attacker achieves.

Dice Pool: Wits + Larceny
You can open or close (your choice) a door, chest, box, window, bag, pouch, bottle, barrel, or other container. If anything resists this activity (such as a bar on a door or a lock on a chest), the spell fails. In addition, the spell can only open and close things weighing 30 pounds or less. Thus, doors, chests, and similar objects sized for enormous creatures may be beyond this spell's ability to affect. You must be within line of sight of the object being opened/closed. If you have the key to the object you wish to open/close you may lock/unlock the object while opening/closing it.

Dice Pool: Wits + Athletics
This creates a hand about the size of a child's hand out of glowing energy that slaps a designated target. The hand materializes in front of the casters face and flies at an intended target within 15 feet. The activation roll acts as the attack roll if the target wishes to dodge. If the caster succeeds the spell inflicts 1 point of Bashing damage.

Dice Pool: Wits + Melee
The spell temporarily sharpens a knife, even beyond what is capable with mundane means. The spell lasts as long as the character holds the knife. The spell does not work on anything larger than a 5 inch blade. The character may only have one spell active at a time. The spell provides a +1D bonus to all damage rolls with the knife.

Dice Pool: Wits + Occult
This spell causes a touched object to glow like a torch, shedding normal light in a 20-foot radius from the point touched. The object may be no larger than a coin. The object continues to shed light as long as it remains in contact with the caster. The caster may only have one object subject to this spell at one time, any attempt to cast this spell on second touched object automatically fails.

Dice Pool: Wits + Survival
This spell creates a spark the equivalent to that created by flint and steel. The number of successes determines the number of time a character may snap their fingers to create a spark. If a character possesses this spell, and is attempting to set up camp in the wild, it reduces all Survival difficulties by -1.

Stitch in Time
Dice Pool: Wits + Relevant Craft Skill
This spell makes minor repairs to an item. The item may weight no more than 10 lbs, and could be repaired using mundane means. Objects cannot be repaired if it would be more feasible to replace the item (Ex: Cinderella's first dress, shattered coffee mug, burned book, etc...).

Dice Pool: Wits + Empathy
This spell assists in trying to determine if the character is being lied to. The spell lasts for 1 scene and provides a +1D bonus to all Empathy rolls to determine if they are being lied to. The spell is tailored to an individual, which requires the caster to recast the spell when the caster wishes to use Empathy on another person.

Wake Up
Dice Pool: Wits + Alertness
Timer sounds an audible alarm after a set time, not to exceed 8 hours. You choose what type of alarm sound timer creates during casting and cannot thereafter change the sound’s basic character. Anyone within the area of the caster will hear the alarm sound clearly.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Numina Available After Character Creation

Numina Purchasable After Character Creation

Aggressive Meme

The character speaks to a person, and an idea takes root in the person's mind. Maybe the idea is a religious experience, or a scientific idea or a political idea. It can be anything from "the nun who lives in the boathouse has been abusing children, and the police aren't doing anything about it, so we'd better take it into our own hands" to "Muslims are terrorists" to "we're the people, and if we join together, we could have the power to topple this corrupt government" to something as frivolous as "cereal bars are really good to eat and you need to buy one." Whatever the idea is, it takes hold in the person's mind. The person's mind is changed. And then, when the person tells someone else, the idea takes hold in that person's mind. And so on. The idea spreads, until hundreds, perhaps thousands of people know. The player spends seven points of Essence and rolls Manipulation + Expression + Chi, which the subject contests with Willpower. If the roll succeeds, the idea takes hold over the person, and he feels the need to tell others. The idea spreads.


Animal Control

The ghost is able to exert its will over an animal, controlling it completely. Spend one Essence and roll Charisma + Animal Ken, subtracting the animal's Wits from the dice pool. Success means the character is able to command the animal to perform any task the Purified desires, to the limit of the animal's physical abilities. The character can control the animal for the duration of the scene if desired. A character may only control one animal at a time.



The character's presence paralyzes those who view it with holy (or unholy) terror. Spend three points of Essence and roll Manipulation + Expression + Chi. All those who can see the character contest the roll with Willpower + Supernatural Rating (Blood Potency, Etc...). Anyone who gains fewer successes than the character is unable to move or speak for one turn, either from awe (as, unwilling, they prostrate themselves before the angelic figure) or all-consuming fear (as their legs turn to jelly, their throats dry up and their backs turn to ice).



The character can make it impossible for its target to speak coherently. Spend one Essence and roll Manipulation + Expression + Chi - the target's Wits. Every success prevents the victim from speaking intelligibly for a minute. Try as she might, she simply spouts random syllables.


Banshee Wail

The ghost creates an earsplitting scream that deafens anyone nearby. Spend one point of Essence and roll Stamina + Intimidation + Chi. Anyone within 20 yards of the ghost must succeed on a Willpower roll. If the target rolls more successes, they are immune to the power for 24 hours. Characters that are effected by the wail also suffer a -3 penalty to any Perception checks that rely on hearing for the remainder of the scene.



The character can destroy a year's crop of food within a radius of a mile. Spend two Essence and roll Wits + Meditation + Chi. On a success, the crop fails, afflicted with a sudden, crippling blight that kills the plants overnight, leaving not a single grain or piece of fruit edible.



This Numen allows the spirit to lock a target in a crushing embrace. The Numen functions like any brawling attack. The character may roll Wits + Athletics + Chi when grappling. (This takes the place of any Strength + Brawl rolls). If the character spends one point of Essence, the spirit's grappling attacks inflict lethal instead of bashing damage for the rest of the scene.


Consume the Physical

When the ghost consumes food, roll Stamina + Wits + Chi. Each success translates to one point of regained Essence. The ghost may only perform this once per day.


Destroy the Mind

This Numen assaults a person's mind with a cavalcade of nightmarish imagery, breaking down his sanity in the process. Such images are often personal and culled from a victim's own memory, although the user sometimes applies images from its own history or "memory" to decide such visions. Use of Dement is a contested action, with opposing rolls being made reflexively. Spend one Essence and roll Manipulation + Expression + Chi versus the victim's Intelligence + Supernatural Tolerance (Gnosis, Blood Potency, etc.). If the character rolls the most successes, the victim becomes unable to concentrate on any action due to being so shaken. The victim receives a dice penalty to all rolls, except resistance rolls, for 24 hours. The dice penalty is equal to the difference between the victim's resistance roll and the character's activation roll. If the target of the Numen rolls the more or an equal number of successes, the power has no effect on him, and is immune for 24 hours.

Desiccation allows a character to withdraw some or all of the fluid most closely associated with it from its opponent's body. The range is five yards per point of Chi. Roll Manipulation + Athletics + Chi; the number of successes determines the number of points of damage the target takes from loss of fluid. The damage is bashing. Due to a lack of real biology, vampires and the Created may contest the spirit's roll with Stamina + Supernatural Tolerance (Blood Potency, etc.); however, if the spirit wins the contest, the supernatural loses a point of Vitae or Pyros in addition to taking bashing damage.


Elemental Immunity

The character spends 1 essence to activate the power, and announces the type of element the character wishes to resist. When a victim is targeted by one of these attacks, add the character's Chi to its Resistance. The character's Chi is also automatically subtracted from environmental exposure as well. For example, a character with a Chi of 5 could sleep in a burning chemical plant with no ill effects.


Emotional Aura

This Numen broadcasts a general pulse of emotion over a wide area rather than focusing on one target. The character spends one Essence to activate the aura of emotion, which then lasts for a scene. Anyone within five yards of the spirit, or who later comes within five yards of the spirit, must make a Willpower + Supernatural Tolerance (Blood Potency, Gnosis, etc.) roll contested by the spirit's Charisma + Manipulation + Chi. If the spirit wins, the subject suffers a -2 dice penalty to dice pools for the duration of the scene or until the spirit stops using this Numen, powerfully distracted by the broadcast emotion. If the subject wins, she is immune to this Numen for the next 24 hours.


End Disease

The character can use this Numen to remove all disease from a living being. Spend one point of Essence and roll Wits + Medicine + Chi. If the roll is successful, the character heals any disease the subject may have, no matter how trivial or serious, treatable or incurable. If the disease is of supernatural origin, such as the result of a supernatural being's machinations, the character must spend three Essence to cure the disease.



The spirit possesses an entangling attack, be it mystic webbing, gobbets of intestine, wire mesh, or glue-like spittle. To hit its target, the spirit makes a Dexterity + Athletics + Chi, the character may attempt to Dodge the attack. Subjects struck by the attack are automatically grappled. Each turn the victim may roll Strength + Athletics - the spirit's Chi to escape; otherwise she is immobilized. After a number of turns equal to the spirit's Chi then dissipates. This attack costs one point of Essence.



This Numen allows a character to cause an opponent to become paralyzed by fear. The Purified spends a point of Essence and then rolls Charisma + Intimidation + Chi; the targeted opponent contests the roll with Willpower + Supernatural Tolerance (Blood Potency, Gnosis, etc.). Success renders the victim unable to move or speak (or even scream) for one turn.


Festering Touch

The character must make physical contact with the item it wishes to affect with Festering Touch, spend two Essence and roll Manipulation + Stamina + Chi. Success causes metal to rust, clothes to become threadbare and wood to rot. If successes equal or exceed an item's structure, that item is destroyed or otherwise rendered unusable. In contact with skin, the target takes half the successes rounded down in lethal damage.



The character can create a number of small fires. The spirit spends one Essence and rolls Wits + Meditation + Chi. Each success causes a small fire to break out within the character's Chi in yards, the number of fires is limited to the Chi of the character. This Numen is dependent upon having fuel to feed the flames -- the spirit cannot cause nonflammable material to burn. The size and intensity of the fires generated is equal to the flames of a torch -- though the fires may grow or decrease in size and intensity naturally once started.



The character can rob the heat from a radius equal to its Wits in yards. The Purified spends one Essence and rolls Manipulation + Meditation + Chi; this is contested by a reflexive Stamina + Supernatural Tolerance (Blood Potency, Gnosis, etc.) roll. If the character scores more successes than its victims, they take that number as levels of bashing damage. Armor and insulating clothes can provide some protection for a limited period of time. Armor automatically blocks damage equal to its rating for a number of rounds equal to its rating.


Gauntlet Control

The spirit spends a point of Essence and rolls Manipulation + Meditation as an instant action, with each success enabling the spirit to raise or lower the local Gauntlet strength by one, to a maximum of five or a minimum of zero. Note that a Gauntlet reduced to zero automatically creates a Verge. In the event that a spirit's use of this Numen is contested (by another spirit with the same power, for example, or by a mage capable of influencing the Gauntlet), the party scoring fewer successes subtracts them from those of the party with more successes, and the Gauntlet strength adjusts by that many points in the winner's desired direction, to the maximum amount allowed by the power used by the winner.



This Numen allows a character to create an illusion. The Purified spends a point of Essence and pictures the illusion the character wants to create in its mind. This may be a sight, sound, or even a person meant to interact with the target. The spirit makes a contested Manipulation + Expression + Chi versus the subject's Willpower + Supernatural Resistance (Blood Potency, Gnosis, etc.) roll. For each success the character rolls in excess of the target, the illusion affects one of the subject's senses. The illusion is utterly compelling, but if the vision does something notably unusual the Storyteller may allow the target a Perception + Awareness vs. the net successes rolled to realize that his senses are lying to him.


Heal The Land

The character remove the blight on a land. Spend three points of Essence, and roll Manipulation + Meditation + Chi. If the roll is successful, the character removes the blight created by nature or magic. If created by magic, the character must roll more successes than the caster who created the blight.


Ill Wind

By spending 3 Essence and rolling Stamina + Manipulation + Chi, character breathes out a noxious fume which causes all within its area of effect double over wracked with pain (unless they resist with a reflexive Stamina + Supernatural Resistance (Blood Potency, Gnosis, etc.)), taking bashing damage equal to the amount of successes rolled in the form of retching and vomiting.



A character with this Numen can take on the semblance of a human the character has met. Spend one point of Essence and roll Manipulation + Subterfuge + Chi. Those who know the imitated person might see through the deception. Players of such characters make contested Wits + Empathy + Supernatural Resistance (Blood Potency, Gnosis, etc.) rolls. The number of successes is compared to the roll for this Numen. If the character wins, the deception holds. If not, the viewer realizes that something is wrong with his acquaintance.



The character's hands (or claws, or mouth, or tentacles or wings) can, in an instant, be wreathed in cold Transforming Fire, which sears flesh and boils blood. Spend three points of Essence. All of the Purified's Brawl attacks cause aggravated damage for the rest of the scene.


Implant Delusion

The character can make someone believe something that isn't true, or implant a false memory in a subject. Spend two Essence and roll Manipulation + Subterfuge + Chi, contested by the subject's Perception + Empathy + Supernatural Resistance (Blood Potency, Gnosis, etc.). If the roll is successful, the subject believes whatever the character has just told him to believe. If this belief is something that can easily be proven false (for instance, "lead turns to gold when anointed with this oil"), demonstration of the delusion's untruth ends the Numen's effects.


Manipulate Element

The creature can move, morph, and shape the a single element in its area. The element should have a fairly narrow definition (soil, concrete, steel, stone, plastic, glass, wood, etc.) The character can roughly shape a surface area of about 100 square feet or a volume of roughly 40 cubic feet. The Manipulate Earth Numen, for example, is ideal for creating a quick foxhole, a crude wall, or small escape tunnel. The Numen cannot be used as a direct attack (use Blast). Elements unable to hold their shape (air, water) should not be chosen. The effects are permanent, though they are not magically held in shape. Using the example above, a tunnel may naturally collapse soon after it is formed. This Numen costs one point of Essence. The character chooses one element this power effects each time the power is taken. The power may be taken multiple times, each one effecting a different element.



The character has the power to conceive a child with a human woman without any sexual contact ever having taken place. Spend a point of Essence, and roll Stamina + Manipulation + Chi. If the roll succeeds, the woman enters into normal pregnancy. The woman can be of any age, and does not have to be physically able to bear a child --- she can be too young or too old to bear a child, or be without the necessary generative organs (because of disease, for example). If the pregnancy is carried to term, the child who is born probably has some high expectations upon her. Perhaps the child grows up to have supernatural powers, but she doesn't need to. The weight of expectations can be enough to make the child of such a miraculous pregnancy remarkable in many ways.


Pillar Of Salt

The Purified can end a mortal's life at a stroke, transforming his flesh with a word into nothing but salt and dust. Spend five Essence and roll Manipulation + Meditation + Chi, contested by the subject's Stamina + Wits + Supernatural Resistance (Blood Potency, Gnosis, etc.). On a success, the victim becomes a rough pillar of rock salt. A supernatural being remains this way for a number of hours equal to the character's Chi. A mortal remains this way indefinitely, although there may be supernatural means of returning him to life. The character can only use this Numen on a mortal if the mortal ignores a warning. A Purified doesn't have to say what the consequences of the warning are, but must inform the victim of something he must not do -- don't look back, don't open the red door, don't speak while in this room, don't touch the altar. Here, for once, ignorance is an excuse. If the person who broke the rules didn't know that there was an instruction, the character cannot use this Numen.


Pray For Rain

Rain comes, cool and refreshing, brought by the character. Spend three points of Essence and roll Wits + Manipulation + Chi. If the roll is successful, it begins to rain in an area of about a half-mile radius around the character, no matter how improbable that might be. The rain is at a comfortable temperature for humans, no matter how hot or cold the surrounding area.



With this Numen, the character can tap into the pleasure centers of a willing creature's mind and soul, granting the creature's ecstatic visions, immense pleasure and a sense of communion with the otherworld. For one turn, the victim is completely incapacitated -- perhaps babbling in the Spirit Tongue, dancing, or even growling. For a number of hours after this effect (8 - Stamina), the victim feels charged and sure of her devotion to the spirit's cause, receiving +2 dice on any roll when acting in accord with her ravisher's desires. All other dice pools are at -2. Unfortunately, such intimate contact with an alien mind can cause damage to the target's psyche. If the target fails a Wits + Supernatural Tolerance (Blood Potency, Gnosis) roll, she gains a temporary derangement for a number of days equal to the character's Chi, or until she is no longer under the effect of this Numen, whichever is longer. The derangements that result are almost always ones that further bind the victim to spirit's desires (fixations, compulsions, and so on.) Furthermore, victims begin to build up a tolerance to the Numen, dropping the duration of the effect (halving the time for each rapture experienced in the same month). Each exposure to this Numen lowers the resistance to any of the character's other powers, a cumulative -1, maximum -5; these penalties fade at a rate of one per day. This Numen costs two points of Essence and may only be used if the character is touching the target.


Rising Of The Light

The character can create light that is equivalent in every way to sunlight rise over an area the size of a city block. Spend 10 Essence and roll Charisma + Wits + Chi. On a success, the area is bathed in daylight. Creatures adversely affected by sunlight suffer effects as if the sun really had risen. This lasts for a scene.


Sleep Eater

This insidious Numen allows a character to rob hours of sleep of its victims. Spend one point of Essence and roll Manipulation + Wits + Chi - the target's Stamina + Supernatural Tolerance (Blood Potency, Gnosis, etc.). Each success represents an hour's worth of sleep lost. These can only be recovered through normal sleep. After the characte eats six hours of the target's sleep, the target begins suffering the effects of fatigue as if he had not slept in 24 hours. Each six successes beyond this means the target loses another day's sleep, and he suffers a cumulative -1 die penalty to all dice pools and must make Stamina + Wits rolls or fall asleep. A person may only lose a number of days worth of sleep equal to the lowest of his Stamina or Wits before passing out.


Summon Swarm

Wastes of Civilization is accompanied by a swarm of rats, mice, cockroaches, lice and other pests and vermin (in both the physical and spiritual realm). These creatures swarm around their master, granting +3 to the dodge or parry of the target. If the character is not defending, the threshold to hit the character is increased by 3. While the swarm doesn't attack outright, once per turn the swarm may target an individual in an attempt to hamper her efforts. Roll four dice, and successes translate to minuses to any action performed by the target for that turn. Attacking the swarm directly may cause it to dissipate for a turn (thus removing the defense bonus or hampering penalty) but will do no damage or remove them from the fight.


Swarm Form

This Numen allows a character to break up its body into thousands of tiny parts -- it might appear as a mass of whirling razor blades, a flock of starlings, school of piranha, or a swarm of beetles. Treat the character's strength as 1 for feats of Strength. The character's speed is halved, but it may gain flight or be able to squeeze through small openings in this form. The character becomes immune to most melee and missile attacks, such as baseball bats and Uzis. Only weapons such as torches, flamethrowers, or area effect attacks cause the creature damage in this form. The character damages other creatures by enveloping them. A creature caught within the swarm at the beginning of its turn takes damage automatically. Damage is determined by the intensity of the swarm. The swarm begins with a radius in yards equal to the size of the character and does one bashing damage. Each time the radius halves (a standard action), the damage increases by one. Full-body armor provides half protection, less than full body affords no protection as the small creatures find their mark. This Numen costs two points of Essence and lasts for a scene. Swarm creatures can choose to do lethal damage, by sacrificing their constituent parts. All creatures caught within a swarm suffer -2 to all checks.


Teiresian Metamorphosis

A character with this Numen can change the gender of a living being (including a mage, but not a Promethean, vampire or werewolf). Spend 10 Essence and roll Wits + Medicine + Chi. If the mortal wishes to resist, his player can roll Stamina + Charisma. If the character succeeds, the mortal changes sex, becoming as if he or she had been born belonging to the other gender. A character could use this Numen to "heal" a transsexual, supplying those generative organs and making the changes that surgery could not fully perform. A character can also use this Numen to join two humans together in one hermaphrodite being, a true rebis, wholly male and wholly female. In this case, roll once. Either individual or both get the option of contesting the character's roll. If either gets more successes than the Purified, the Numen fails to work. The character might be the granting of a dearly held wish, a punishment or some strange means of altering history.

Starting Numina


The entity may wound opponents at a distance. Range is equal to 10 yards per dot of Chi and the entity does not suffer range penalties. If the activation roll succeeds, the Blast wounds as a Chi + Wits/Charisma Lethal weapon. The entity may increase the lethality of its Blast by paying Essence -- every two Essence spent increases the "weapon" by +1 Lethal. The maximum bonus is equal to the entity's Chi.



This might appear as an octopus's skin that can change texture and color, or may be more mystical in nature. The Purified spends a point of Essence and remains still. As long as the Purified does not move, the camouflage remains active -- up to a scene. Anyone trying to perceive the Purified suffers a negative modifier equal to the character's Wits + Chi.



Successful activation of this Numen allows basic information (presence of intruders, potential threats such as fires) up to 500 yards from the Purified. Each additional success increases the radius by an additional 100 yards and increases the detail of information learned. One success could tell the presence of intruders, while three successes could reveal the species and gender of those intruders. The Numen lasts as long as the user remains in the trance, but she is unaware of and cannot react to the outside world, nor can she relay her findings while the Numen is active. It costs one Essence per round spent in communion.



The Purified is able to exert its will over a person, commanding him to perform actions like a puppet. Spend one Essence point and roll Manipulation + Expression + Chi in a contested roll versus the victim's Willpower. If the character fails or ties the roll (or the mortal wins), the victim is unaffected. If the character wins the roll, it seizes control of the victim and can command him to perform any acts the character desires, within the victim's capabilities. The victim can attempt to throw off the ghost's control each successive turn with another contested roll. Use the victim's own dice pools to determine the outcome of his actions. The character can compel only one person at a time. The target receives difficulty reduction on their rolls based on much the compulsion goes against the target's beliefs. -1 to betray an employer, -2 to betray friends, -3 to betray family and self.



The spirit is able to create a fog, summon shadows, or whip up a dust storm to conceal its exact location. The spirit spends a point of Essence per level of concealment (barely, partially or substantially, or fully concealed) and rolls Wits + Stealth + Chi. Each success extends the effect up to one yard from the spirit. The effect lasts up to a scene. Remember that the Purified suffers penalties to its ranged attacks as well while in cover.


Far Speech

The Purified is capable of speaking directly to others over long distances. Spend one Essence point and roll Wits + Expression + Chi. If the roll succeeds, the Purified can utter a single sentence. The maximum range of the Numina 2 Miles X Chi.


Fortify Material

The spirit rolls Wits + Meditation + Chi as an instant action. For each success, it may spend a point of Essence to improve one of the following: an item's equipment bonus, its Durability, its armor value, its armor piercing quality (also, an item without the armor piercing quality can be given one through the use of this Numen). Each one of these traits may be improved by a maximum number of points equal to the spirit's Chi. The Purified may use this ability to armor normal clothing by improving its 'armor value'. These alterations last for the remainder of the scene.



The Purified can heal others' wounds, typically for a hefty price. The character expends a point of Essence and rolls Wits + Medicine + Chi. Bashing damage is healed before lethal, and all lethal damage must be healed before aggravated damage. Each success heals a level of bashing damage, while two successes can heal a point of lethal damage. The lethal damage healed can be used to mend aggravated damage, but each point of aggravated damage cured costs one additional point of Essence. (Healing two aggravated wounds calls for four successes and three points of Essence.) This Numen may also be used to help a character fight off disease or the effects of poison -- each success adding to the character's resistance rolls on a one-to-one basis.



This Numen confers uncanny swiftness upon the Purified, allowing it to move at a much more rapid pace than usual. The character may spend two points of Essence to receive and extra action (in the same manner as Celerity) for the duration of the scene. If the character spends an additional two points of Essence (for a total of four), the character gains a second extra action.



This Numen allows the Purified to manipulate objects from afar. Characters can cause swings to begin moving by themselves or hurl dishes, toys, or blackboard erasers across a room. This Numen generally does not allow for extended fine motor skills such as manipulating a writing implement to pen a message; however, simple scrawlings are possible. Spend one Essence point and roll Dexterity + Athletics + Chi; the number of successes rolled determines the power's Strength when attempting to lift, move, or throw an object. If the successes rolled are equal to the Strength needed to lift an object, the character can move it up to one yard. Each extra success allows the ghost to move the object an additional yard. If the ghost wishes to hurl an object at someone and enough successes are rolled to lift the object (and reach the target), the total number of telekinesis successes is rolled as the strength dice pool in an attack against the target. Alternately, the ghost can make a direct attack on a victim, using its raw power to inflict cuts, bruises and bites on the victim's body. Treat this as a normal attack with a damage value equal to the number of successes on the activation roll. The attack cannot be dodged, any available cover and any armor worn (unless the armor is supernatural in nature).

Wilds Sense

Purified can automatically attempt to sense where other spirits and locations are in their immediate vicinity. If they want to find loci or track down spirits miles distant, however, they must use this Numen, which allows them to sense the small resonant traces left by a spirit's passage or emitted by a far-distant locus. Roll the character's Wits + Investigation, with more successes giving more accurate information. One success suggests a vague sense of direction, while five successes would give accurate directions, an idea of travel time and warnings of hazards en route.

Purchasing Numina

Purchasing Numina
In addition to their own unique powers, their connection to the Shadow Realm also allows purified to purchase some Spirit Numina. While all purified must take one dot of Projection to learn Shadow Projection, they can use any or even all of their other three dots of Siddhi to learn Numina instead. These Numina function exactly as they do for the spirits, except for the Attributes that the character rolls. The Numina as well as the Attributes that purified roll are listed in the table below. Purified must learn each Numina from a Spirit of at least Rank 2, that possesses the desired Numina and is willing to teach it to the character. All of these Numina cost all purified a minimum of one point of Essence to use. The Numina listed below is what a character may start with at character creation.
Numina Power
Dexterity + Athletics + Chi
Penalty equal to Wits + Chi
Perception + Investigation + Chi
Manipulation + Expression + Chi
Wits + Stealth + Chi
Far Speech
Wits + Expression + Chi
Fortify Material
Wits + Meditation + Chi
Wits + Medicine + Chi
Speed ++
Dexterity + Athletics + Chi
Wild Sense
Wits + Investigation + Chi



The purified learns to construct wards that protect areas against various sorts of creatures and powers. Creating any ward requires an extended roll, where the target number is five times the number of dots of the Siddhi being used. Thus, using ward against the living has a target number of 15. The character must always mark out or otherwise define the area he is warding.
There are also two sorts of wards: Temporary and lasting wards. Temporary wards only require the character to either walk around the area she is warding or, if it is relatively small, outline it with her finger. When creating a temporary ward, the character makes one roll every turn to create this ward. Temporary wards last until the sun next rises or sets, whichever comes first.
Lasting wards require the character to mark out the warded area in some physical manner, such as with a fence with symbols painted on it or a line of chalk drawn on the floor. If anyone disturbs or makes an opening in this physical marker, or if it is washed away by rainfall or blown down by the wind, the warding instantly ceases to function. When creating a lasting ward, the character may make one roll every 10 minutes to create this ward. Lasting wardings continue to project an area for one full lunar month, or until the physical markers tied to the ward are disturbed, whichever comes first.
Regardless of their duration, wardings can be no more than 100 yards on a side. The character can ward most of a city block or a large house and yard, but the character cannot ward an entire shopping mall or other similar large and sprawling structure. Only one warding of each type can protect an area at one time. However, purified can ward an area with different wards at the same time. A character could simultaneously protect her home with both a ward against supernatural beings and a ward against magic. Creating a new warding automatically destroys any existing wardings on the area. Unless specifically described as otherwise, wardings are not mobile, although they can be used to protect the interior of mobile spaces like trailers, mobile homes or even cars. Creating a wearable version of any ward is also impossible.

[ 1 ] Ward Against Supernatural Beings

Cost: 2 Essence (+1 Willpower to create a lasting ward)
Dice Pool: Wits + Occult + Chi
Action: Extended (target number 5)
This ward is designed to prevent spirits, ghosts, and similar beings from other realms from affecting the warded area and anyone or anything inside it. There are two forms to this ward, and the character can only use one of these at a time on any single location. Locations cannot be simultaneously protected by both types of wards. The first type of ward raises or lowers the Gauntlet for the warded area by the character's Chi/3 (round up). The only limitation on this ward is that it cannot raise the local Gauntlet higher than 5 or lower than 1. This ward can only be created as a temporary ward. The second type of ward prevents spirits, ghosts, and similar beings from outside the mortal world from entering the area. Any such being attempting to enter or to use the Reaching Numina to gain access to the warded region must achieve a number of successes on a Power roll in excess of a reflexive Presence + Academics + Chi roll made by the character. Even if they are in Twilight, spirits, ghosts, and similar beings that fail to achieve the necessary number of successes cannot enter the warded area and must wait for one full day before trying again to do so.

[ 2 ] Ward Against Magic

Cost: 2 Essence (+1 Willpower to create a lasting ward)
Dice Pool: Wits + Occult + Chi
Action: Extended (target number 10)
This ward protects the space and people inside it from all forms of magic and other supernatural powers, including werewolf Gifts, vampire Disciplines, spirit Numina, and all similar powers. The character protects an area from supernatural effects used by anyone other than the character and up to a two dozen specific individuals named when the warding is created. Even if he is not present inside the warded area, the purified can reflexively make a Wits + Occult + Chi roll as contested roll against any supernatural ability used on anyone or anything inside the warded area. If the attacker does not win the contest by at least one success, the ability fails to affect everyone inside the warded area. In addition, even if the attacker wins this contest, subtract the successes rolled by the ward's creator from the total number of successes rolled by the attacker. This subtraction can transform an exceptional success into an ordinary success.

[ 3 ] Ward Against The Living

Cost: 3 Essence +1 Willpower (+1 additional Willpower to create a lasting ward)
Dice Pool: Charisma + Intimidation + Chi
Action: Extended (target number 15)
This ward prevents all living or once-living creatures, including humans and animals, as well as partly human beings like werewolves and once-human beings native to the mortal world like vampires or other purified. The character can create a ward designed to only protect against certain general types of beings, like only vampires or only human children. However, it is impossible to ward an area against "enemies" or some other similarly vague category. Also, when creating this warding the character can specify up to two dozen named individuals who can freely enter and leave the warded area. When any being of the appropriate type attempts to cross this ward, either to enter or exit the warded area, they must make a contested Wits + Supernatural Advantage (if any) versus the character's Charisma + Intimidation + Chi. Beings that do not win this contest by at least one success cannot enter or leave the warded area and also lose one point of Willpower if they fail. An individual can make no more than one attempt every scene to cross this warding.



In addition to visiting the Shadow Realm, purified can also learn to call spirits and potentially even ghosts across the Gauntlet to do their bidding. The difficulty of summoning a spirit or ghost depends upon the strength of the Gauntlet where the character is performing the summoning. Summoning spirits or ghosts always requires an extended roll where the target number is twice the spirit's highest Attribute -- if a spirit's highest Attribute is Power 4, then the target number is 8. When making these extended rolls, the purified can make one roll every 10 minutes. The dice modifier for Gauntlet Strength is applied to each roll if summoning spirits from the Underworld or the Shadow Realm. Do not use this modifier if summoning entities from Twilight or at a verge.

Dice Modifier
Dense urban areas
- 3
City suburbs and towns
- 2
Small towns, villages, other built up areas in the countryside
- 1
+ 1
The Gauntlet is nonexistent; any being, including mortals can pass in and out of the Shadow Realm freely, and sometimes inadvertently.

[ 1 ] Summoning Spirits

Cost: 1 Essence
Dice Pool: Charisma + Expression + Chi versus Willpower
Action: Instant and contested; target rolls resistance reflexively
Purified who learn this ability can summon spirits from the Shadow Realm to his location. If the spirit is capable of materializing into the mortal world, it does so; otherwise, it remains in Twilight at the desired location. The character can either summon a specific spirit or send out a general call to the nearest spirit of a particular type, such as tree spirits, or spirits of electricity. Alternately, the character can simply call upon the nearest spirit of the desired power level. When calling a specific spirit, this ability is limited by the fact that the spirit cannot travel farther than the maximum distance it is allowed to travel from its Anchor. The character can either ask for the spirit to appear, or he may make a contested roll and attempt to force it to appear. In the second case, the spirit appears, but it is not under the character's control. In either case, the character must either use the binding the rebellious spirit Siddhi to attempt to control it, or bargain with the spirit for its services. Most spirits are willing to appear if called, simply because most are interested in who might call them and seek to either gain some payment or wreak vengeance upon anyone who threatens them.

[ 2 ] Summon The Wandering Shade

Cost: 2 Essence
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Expression + Chi versus Willpower
Action: Instant and contested; target rolls resistance reflexively
Purified can use this power to summon ghosts either from Twilight or the Underworld. The character can summon a specific ghost or she can either ask for the nearest ghost to appear or the nearest ghost of a general type, like children or murder victims. If distant, the ghost travels to the character as rapidly as it can. The ghost only materializes if it is able to do so. The ghost is not under the character's control. The character must either use the binding the rebellious spirit Siddhi to attempt to control the ghost, or bargain with the ghost for its services.

[ 3 ] Call Spirit

Cost: 2 Essence + 1 Willpower (optional)
Dice Pool: Wits + Intimidation + Chi versus Willpower
Action: Instant and contested; target rolls resistance reflexively
The character can instantly summon any spirit she knows or any type of spirit with which she is familiar. The distance between the character and the spirit does not matter, regardless of where it was before, it instantly appears in front of the character. The character cannot use this Siddhi to summon ghosts. The spirit appears the turn after the character performs this Siddhi. Use the mystical connection table to determine the difficulty involved in calling a particular spirit. In addition to being able to instantly summon any spirit, by spending 1 point of Willpower, the character can cause the spirit to materialize, even if the spirit is not normally able to do so.

Spiritual Defense

Spiritual Defense
The character learns to defend himself and others against attack by spirits, ghosts, and other ephemeral beings. Unlike wardings, these Siddhi involve immediate actions purified can perform to drive away ephemeral attackers rather than creating a lasting protection.

[ 1 ] Exorcism
Cost: 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Charisma + Expression + Chi versus Willpower
Action: Instant and contested; target reflexively rolls Willpower
The character can drive out a spirit or ghost inhabiting a person or object simply by touching the possessed individual. Exorcism can only be used to protect targets in the mortal world, since spirits cannot possess beings in Twilight or the Shadow Realm. If the purified wins the contest, the spirit or ghost must instantly depart from the person or object it is possessing. The spirit cannot attempt to possess the same target again for at least one full day. To use this power, the character must maintain physical contact with the possessed object or person for one entire turn. If this contact is broken before the turn ends, the exorcism attempt automatically fails. When dealing with the Ridden, the character can drive the spirit out of a Spirit-Urged or Spirit-Thieved host but not one of the Spirit-Claimed.

[ 2 ] Touch Of Death Or Life

Cost: 1 Essence + (optionally) 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Wits + Medicine + Chi
Action: Instant
The character can either directly attack spirits and ghosts, damaging their corpus, or she can reverse this ability and heal their corpus. The character can use both facets of this Siddhi in the mortal world as well as in Twilight, the Underworld, and the Shadow Realm. To use either ability, the character must touch the target. Usually, this means the character must enter melee combat with the spirit or ghost to harm it. When the character uses this ability to cause harm, spirits and anyone else with the ability to see into Twilight or the Shadow Realm sees the purified holding a glowing melee weapon of some sort. If the character uses this ability to heal, she appears to hold some sort of glowing rod. If the character uses ability on a spirit or ghost who is riding or otherwise possessing someone in any fashion, it harms or heals the spirit or ghost, but has no effect on the person who is possessed. When used as a weapon, each success does one level of lethal damage to the target's corpus. If the character also spends a point of Willpower, this damage becomes aggravated. When used to heal, each success heals one point (of any type) of corpus damage.

[ 3 ] Mass Banishing

Cost: 3 Essence + 2 Willpower
Dice Pool: Charisma + Intimidation + Chi versus Willpower
Action: Instant and contested; targets roll Willpower automatically
Purified can learn to banish ghosts and spirits en mass as well as individually; this power only works on spirits and ghosts that are either in Twilight or that are physically manifesting in the mortal world. It specifically does not affect spirits who are possessing individuals, since they have a firmer connection to the mortal world. The purified can affect every spirit and ghost within 20 yards. To use this spell, she must say a short chant loudly enough to be heard within this range. When the chant is concluded, every spirit or ghost within range must resist the spell or be banished back to their native realm. Banished spirits and ghosts return to the Shadow Realm or the Underworld and cannot attempt to return to either Twilight or the mortal world for one full day. This power also instantly ends all uses of the Reaching Numina that are within range or other Numina used by spirits or ghosts in another realm to affect the mortal world.



[ 1 ] Tread Lightly

Cost: None
Dice Pool: Dexterity + Athletics + Chi
Action: Instant
As the first step on learning to interact physically with the Twilight realm, the character learns to transfer a portion of her weight there. The character greatly reduces her weight for the next full scene. Although this reduction in weight does not allow the character to fly or even jump further than normal, but she takes only bashing damage from falling, regardless of the distance. In addition, she can walk or run over any surface, including water, tissue paper, or thin panes of glass. She can also walk across mud, dry sand, or any other surface without leaving tracks or getting her feet even damp. She can also climb up surfaces too fragile to support her normal weight. However, she cannot run any faster or climb any better than usual.

[ 2 ] Breach Barriers

Cost: 1 Essence
Dice Pool: Wits + Larceny + Chi
Action: Instant
The character learns to shift his body into Twilight for a brief instant. This allows the purified to walk through walls and similar barriers. Briefly stepping into Twilight allows the character to walk through any barrier that is no thicker than one yard. He can step through a closed door, walk through a wall, or even jump from one floor down to another. When walking through a barrier, the character makes no noise and does not disturb the barrier at all. Instead, he vanishes for an instant and reappears just on the other side of the barrier. The character cannot use this power to pass through a barrier thicker than one yard. Attempts to do so automatically fail, leaving the character bumping his nose against the barrier.

[ 3 ] Twilight Shift

Cost: 2 Essence + 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Presence + Wits + Chi
Action: Instant
The character learns to shift her body fully into Twilight. By doing so, she becomes completely invisible and intangible, and can physically interact with all ghosts and spirits in Twilight. She can also use this power to gain access to the interior of almost any building by walking into it in Twilight and then shifting back to the mortal world inside. The character remains in Twilight for one scene, unless she decides to leave it earlier. Entering and leaving Twilight both take one action. Leaving Twilight requires no roll and no expenditure of Essence.



The character learns to project his mind and soul outside of his body. When doing this, the character forms an ephemeral body that is completely solid and able to physically interact with the realm it is in as well as with objects and spirits that inhabit this inhuman world. Unfortunately, the inhabitants of this same realm can also physically affect the character's ephemeral body. Damage done to this ephemeral body has no effect upon the character's physical body and heals at the same rate as normal damage. The purified can spend one point of Essence to heal one point of any sort of damage to his ephemeral body. However, destruction of this ephemeral body either kills the purified or causes them to have to spend week or months reforming.
While the purified is away from her body, it remains alive but in a deep coma. If left for more than one full day, the coma deepens and can only be distinguished from death by a medical examination. When using this Siddhi, the character has no way of knowing the current state of health or any other information about her body. Should the character's body be completely destroyed while she is away from it, she will not be able to re-enter it and must first spend the Essence needed to repair and re-animate her body.
To return to her body, purified who are using any projection power need only find a locus. The location of this locus does not matter. Once the character's mind is in the locus, all she need do is to make a successful roll, and her mind instantly returns to her body. However, unlike mages, thaumaturges, and other fully human individuals who find some way to project their minds into another realm, purified lack any sort of silver cord or other connection between their mind and their bodies. When they use this power, purified become mobile spirits who must make an effort to return to their body. Purified who use any projection power can be trapped in the realm they are visiting. If they are denied access to a locus, the purified cannot return to his body. Some purified have been captured and trapped in an ephemeral realm for decades or centuries.
When projecting into any realm, purified automatically bring along ephemeral versions of their clothes and the contents of their pockets with them. Characters who wish to take along ephemeral versions of large backpacks, large-caliber rifles, or other large objects can spend one additional mote of Essence to do so. The largest object a character can take along in this fashion is Size 5.
If desired, the character can take along mortals or other beings native to the mortal world into the Shadow Realm, Twilight, or the Underworld by spending one additional mote of Essence per individual. All of these individuals also enter the desired realm as ephemeral beings projected outside of their physical bodies. These "passengers" must all be in physical contact with the purified when they project from their bodies. When the purified returns to the mortal world through a locus, the ephemeral bodies of all of those that traveled with him must also enter the locus with him. Any who are not must find their own way back to the mortal world.
Purified can also bring people and objects back from the Shadow Realm or the Underworld. Bringing back any object up to Size 3 that the character acquired in the Shadow Realm or the Underworld requires the expenditure of one mote of Essence. The purified returns to his body to find this object in his hand. Purified cannot bring back larger objects, but they can return magically powerful objects, including both items enchanted with powerful magic, such as fetishes, imbued items, or relics, provided the object is Size 3 or less.
Returning a mortal whose mind has become lost in some ephemeral realm only requires that the mortal's ephemeral body enter the locus with the purified when the purified returns to the mortal world and for the purified to spend one mote of Essence. If both occur, the mortal wakes up in her own body, regardless of where her body is located. Purified can also return mortals who have physically wandered into the Shadow Realm or some other ephemeral realm through a verge. To do this, the purified must enter a locus with the mortal, spend one point of Essence and one point of Willpower, and make a roll. If all this is done successfully, the purified wakes up in his body and the mortal finds himself standing in the mortal world in front of the locus.

[ 1 ] Spirit Projection

Cost: None
Dice Pool: Wits + Investigation + Chi
Action: Instant
The character can project his mind into the Shadow Realm. All Purified know this power, having automatically learned it when they died and became the being they are now. Purified who did not learn this ability never made their way back to their body. To enter the Shadow Realm, the character need only lie down and make a single roll. To return to her body, she must find a locus and make another roll. If the character's body is alive, she immediately returns to her body. If the character's body is dead, she appears in Twilight, hovering over her body. Unless the character also knows Twilight Projection, she cannot venture more than a few feet away from her corpse, but she may use Essence to repair it, return it to life, or return to the Shadow Realm to seek help.

[ 2 ] Twilight Projection

Cost: 1 Essence
Dice Pool: Wits + Occult + Chi
Action: Instant
The character can project her mind into Twilight. Here, she can interact with both ghosts and spirits who are also in Twilight and can spy on the mortal world, unseen by anyone except supernatural beings and the few mortals who can perceive beings in Twilight. Because of the nature of their perceptions, all purified can clearly see and hear everything occurring in the portion of the mortal world corresponding to their location in Twilight, allowing purified who know this ability to be excellent spies. To enter Twilight, the character need only lie down, spend one point of Essence and make a single roll. To return to her body, the character can either find a locus and make another roll or simply fly travel back to her body and reenter it. Purified in Twilight can also make another roll to move between Twilight and the Shadow Realm.

[ 3 ] Underworld Projection

Cost: 3 Essence
Dice Pool: Wits + Occult + Chi
Action: Extended (target number of 5)
The character now learns to project her mind into the Underworld. While this mysterious realm is the natural home of ghosts, the partially inhuman nature of the character's mind makes the underworld an alien realm that it more difficult to enter than the Shadow Realm or Twilight. Purified who attempt to enter or leave the Underworld must make an extended meditation roll with a target number of 5. The character can make one roll every 10 minutes to enter the underworld and one roll every turn to leave it. If the character is interrupted in the process of making these rolls, he must start again from the beginning. Because of the difficulty involved in leaving the underworld, most purified consider it an especially dangerous place to visit. The character can also move between the Underworld and either Twilight or the Shadow Realm, but doing so also requires the same extended roll, with one roll being possible every turn.

The character can use her affinity to the Shadow World to move her body close to, and eventually into, Twilight. Instead of simply being able to send her mind into Twilight, she can also eventually learn to move her body there.

Piercing the Distance

Piercing the Distance

The character learns to use his connection to the Shadow Realm to short-circuit distance, first with his perceptions and then with her movement. Using any of these three Siddhi requires an extended roll where the target number is five times the number of dots of the Siddhi being used. This power is also limited by how familiar the character is with the target. Seeing or even walking to a well-known location is relatively easy, while spying on a room the character has only seen once is far more difficult. All three of these Siddhi use the mystical connection table (below) to determine the difficulty of observing or otherwise interacting with a distant person or location. The player should also apply the dice modifiers for Gauntlet Strength (below) based upon the strength of the Gauntlet at the target location. For example, all attempts to observe or travel to a location with a Gauntlet Strength of 4 suffer a –2 dice modifier. This modifier applies to attempting to observe or visit locations on either side of the Gauntlet.
In all cases, the character must concentrate to use this power. Any time the character experiences a significant distraction or attempts to perform any activity that is at all demanding while using this power demands another roll, with the appropriate modifiers for distraction. Failing this roll instantly ends the use of this power, and experiencing a dramatic failure on this roll results in some sort of serious problem like temporary blindness that lasts for a scene.


Magical Connection
Between Caster and Target

- 0
Intimate: The purified has a piece of the target's physical substance, such as hair, nail clippings or blood from a person or animal, a leaf or flower from a plant, or a sliver of material from an object or building. Alternately, the character knows the target intimately. Examples include close friends, beloved pets, prized possessions, or locations like the character's home or a building the character has visited many times.
- 3
Known: The character has a personal possession belonging to the target. Alternately, the character can see the location on live video or hear the target over live audio or the character spent time with the target or visited the location more than once, for at least a few minutes each time.
- 5
Acquainted: The character has a photo or a detailed painting of the target or an object that the target once touched or that once resided in the target location. Alternately, the character once met or visited the target.

Dice Modifier
Dense urban areas
- 3
City suburbs and towns
- 2
Small towns, villages, other built up areas in the countryside
- 1
+ 1
The Gauntlet is nonexistent; any being, including mortals can pass in and out of the Shadow Realm freely, and sometimes inadvertently.

[ 1 ] Distant Vision

Cost: 1 Essence
Dice Pool: Wits + Investigation + Chi
Action: Extended (target number 5)
The character can see and hear events happening around the target of this power as if she were physically present in this location. To use this power, the character must remain stationary and focus on the desired target. Many purified use objects like crystal balls or mirrors to help focus their concentration. Such tools are not necessary, but can provide up to a +2 bonus on the roll. While concentrating, the character may make rolls every minute. Once the character succeeds in this extended roll, he can see and hear the target. However, he must maintain his concentration to continue to use this power. The character can write or speak normally and can respond to questions, but cannot examine the world around him or take any physical action that is not both simple and very slow. This power can also be used in any realm. If the purified is in the mortal world, he can use it to look at a familiar location in the mortal world or a spirit in the Shadow Realm, just as one of the purified projecting in the Shadow Realm can use it to see a person or place in the mortal world.

[ 2 ] Ethereal Presence

Cost: 1 Essence
Dice Pool: Charisma + Expression + Chi
Action: Extended (target number 10)
Using this ability is almost identical to using distant vision, except that in addition to being able to simply observe and hear the target location, the character can also create an illusory image of himself at this location. This image looks and sounds identical to the character and moves just like the character does. However, it is nothing more than a completely intangible image. Also, while it seems to move like the character, its feet don't actually touch the floor and it often floats a few inches in the air. To use this Siddhi, the character must go into a deep trance and make a roll every 10 minutes. While in this trace, he cannot sense his present surroundings, but can see, hear, and even smell the location his image is in, exactly like he was there in person. The character can also speak normally and can talk to people and spirits in the location just as if he were physically present. However, the character appears in the target location as an intangible image that cannot touch anything. Also, nothing in this location, including spirits, ghosts or magicians, can affect this image in any fashion. The character can move the image at her normal Speed and in doing so can move through walls and other barriers as if they did not exist. As a result, the character can explore regions that he has never seen before by moving through a wall an examining them. However, whenever the character enters a region he was previously unfamiliar with, he must make another roll, with no modifications for lack of familiarity. Failing this roll instantly ends the current use of this Siddhi. Once the character has projected his image successfully, he can make another roll to alter the appearance of this image. He can do anything from change how his image is dressed to attempting to look like someone else. Making this change requires another Presence + Expression + Chi roll. Attempting to disguise the appearance of his image as someone else also requires a Wits + Subterfuge roll to determine how accurately the character can alter his image. A failure on the first roll means that the character cannot alter the appearance of his image and must wait 10 minutes before attempting to change his appearance again, a failure on the second roll means the disguise is less accurate than desired. As with the Siddhi distant vision, purified can also use this Siddhi to project her image into realms other than the one she is currently in.

[ 3 ] Walking The Hidden Shortcut

Cost: 3 Essence (+3 additional Essence and +2 Willpower if also moving a vehicle)
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Athletics + Chi
Action: Extended (target number 15)
The character has now learned to walk from one location to another by stepping halfway into the Shadow Realm. This type of travel carries the character through the boundary between the mortal world and the Shadow Realm and greatly reduces distances. However, it is not particularly exact. To use this ability, the character may make one roll every hour. For the first hour minutes, the character must walk around the mortal world. He seems to be wandering aimlessly, but he is actually seeking an entrance into the strange border-realm through which he travels. For all subsequent rolls, the character is in this nebulous in-between realm, where he cannot be seen or affected by residents of either the mortal world or any supernatural realm. The character can take others along on his journey, but they must all maintain physical contact with him. Each additional person the character brings along costs another point of Essence. If desired, the character can even take an entire vehicle along with him. To do this, the character must spend an additional three points of Essence and two points of Willpower. Also, the size of the vehicle cannot exceed 18, all passengers must ride inside the vehicle and the character must be the person driving or piloting the vehicle. The character cannot simply be a passenger. When moving a vehicle in this fashion, the character can take as many other passengers with him as will fit in the inside of the vehicle. Purified can use this power to move to any location, but the time needed to use it means that for traveling short distances it is often faster to use conventional means of travel. Also, purified can only travel to locations where they can pass through an opening like an open or unlocked doorway, a tunnel, a natural archway or some similar natural or artificial structure. As a result, the character cannot use this power to travel to a barren desert, the interior of a locked vault or any other location lacking any opening that is not locked or otherwise impassible. Making at least one successful roll, but failing to achieve the required number of successes on the extended roll needed to use this Siddhi means the character re-enters the mortal world at some reasonably safe, but occasionally awkward location between where he left it from and his destination. The same happens to anyone who the character is bringing along on the journey who either breaks physical contact with the character or leaves the vehicle the character is driving. If the character makes a dramatic failure on the roll needed to use this Siddhi, he finds himself, and anyone accompanying him, in an exceptionally awkward and utterly random location. The character could appear in the Shadow Realm, in front of the lair of a feared enemy, in the middle of a large lake, inside a maximum security prison, or in some equally problematic location.



[ 1 ] Influence Spirit

Cost: None
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Empathy + Chi
Action: Instant
The purified learns to influence the emotions of spirits. The character can cause a single spirit to feel any desired emotion. This emotion isn't overwhelming, but a spirit that becomes afraid is more likely to either flee if threatened, just as an angry spirit is more likely to attack anyone who annoys it. If desired, purified can use this ability in conjunction with attempts to influence the spirit's behavior. At the player's discretion, each success on this roll can add one additional die to any Social roll he makes when dealing with the target. Alternatively, if this power is used to enhance the effect of existing circumstances, the character can subtract a number of dice equal to the successes rolled from any roll the spirit makes to avoid fleeing in terror or otherwise giving into any emotion that the character is enhancing, if that emotion is a reasonable response to current circumstances. This ability cannot be used to influence werewolves, other purified or any other being that is not a spirit. The character must also be able to clearly see the target to affect it. The emotions produced by this ability fade like any normal emotion.

[ 2 ] Influence Beasts And Mortals

Cost: 1 Essence
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Expression + Chi
The character learns to influence the emotions of both mortals and normal animals. This ability can also be used to affect supernatural creatures with ties to the mortal world, like werewolves, vampires or other purified. This ability can also be used to influence ghosts, because they were once mortals. The character can now influence the emotions of mortals and similar beings using the same method and rules as for the previous influence spirit power, but using the above cost and dice pool. Also, the character can attempt to influence multiple targets with this roll as long as he is interacting with all of them as a group. If the character is speaking to a small group of humans, vampires or ghosts, facing off a pack of wild dogs or performing for a large audience, he can use this power on all of them at once. Attempting to affect multiple targets causes the roll to suffer a penalty (based on the chart below). Once the character learns this Siddhi, if he spends 1 mote of Essence, he can also attempt to affect multiple spirits at once. In all cases, character must be able to clearly see the target or targets to affect it and all emotions produced by this ability fade like any normal emotion.
Number Of Targets
- 1
2 to 5
- 2
6 to 10
- 3
11 to 30
- 4
More than 30, up to a large audience of several hundred.

[ 3 ] Command The Rebellious Spirit

Cost: 2 Essence + 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Charisma + Intimidation + Chi
Action: Instant and contested; target rolls Resistance automatically
Controlling a spirit or ghost requires a single contested roll between the character and that entity. The character makes the roll while issuing the command, with each success allowing the character to cause the target to perform a single action. Causing a spirit or ghost to flee or to attack a single obvious target only requires a single command. However, telling a spirit to travel to a distant location, steal a specific object, and return with it would require three separate commands and thus three successes. How likely the entity is to agree to the order influences how difficult the roll is; asking a ghost to harm a friend or relative it cared for in life might cause as much as a -3 penalty to the roll, while asking a spirit associated with fire to burn down a house might give the character a bonus of as much as +3 to the roll. This control lasts for one scene, unless the character rolls an exceptional success. If that occurs, the control lasts for one full day. This ability cannot be used to influence werewolves, other purified, or any other being that is not a ghost or spirit.


 Purified Siddhi

Purified can learn various powers. Because of their connection with the Shadow Realm, they can learn some Spirit Numina. In addition, they also possess their own unique powers, known as Siddhi. All Siddhi come in groups of three that must be learned in order. To learn a three-dot Siddhi, purified must first learn the one and two-dot Siddhi in the same group. Purified begin play knowing four dots of powers, which can be either Siddhi or Numina. In all cases, one of these powers must be the projection Siddhi spirit projection.

Most Siddhi cost one or more points of Essence to activate. If the Siddhi requires more points of Essence than the character can spend in one turn, then the Siddhi requires multiple turns to activate. The roll to perform the Siddhi is only made and the effects of the Siddhi only manifest during the turn when the last point of Essence needed to activate the Siddhi is spent.
When purified use their connection to the Shadow Realm to bypass the normal limitations of distance, the most important feature of the location or person they are trying to observe or affect is how familiar the purified is with it. The actual distance between the target and the character is irrelevant. The only factor that matters is the type of mystical connection the character has with the target. It's far easier for one of the purified who is using such a power to spy on or affect objects in a location with which he is intimately familiar than to do the same with some location that the character has only had briefly described to him. Unfortunately the Purified are unable to use the Shadow Realm to target other Purfied. This ability only works for Purified Siddhi.

Dice Penalty
Magical Connection Between Caster and Target
- 0
Intimate: The purified has a piece of the target's physical substance, such as hair, nail clippings or blood from a person or animal, a leaf or flower from a plant, or a sliver of material from an object or building. Alternately, the character knows the target intimately. Examples include close friends, beloved pets, prized possessions, or locations like the character's home or a building the character has visited many times.
- 3
Known: The character has a personal possession belonging to the target. Alternately, the character can see the location on live video or hear the target over live audio or the character spent time with the target or visited the location more than once, for at least a few minutes each time.
- 5
Acquainted: The character has a photo or a detailed painting of the target or an object that the target once touched or that once resided in the target location. Alternately, the character once met or visited the target.

People, objects or places that are less familiar to the character lack a sufficient mystical connection for the character to be able to use this power to see, or visit them. The character cannot spy on a room that she has only heard a description of or affect a person that she briefly passed on a dark street.



The Purified are the secret police of the Empire, created for the express purpose of hunting down and dealing with supernaturals. While their demeanor and style of dress vary widely, their badges of office are their distinctive canes and pocket watches. All supernaturals known to avoid any who carry these badges. 

They are functionally immortal, being killed only seems to slow them down. Even if their bodies are turned to ashes they are able to reform them in only hours. No one knows how they are created, or how kill them and keep them dead.

Innate Abilities

All purified gain certain innate abilities. The most obvious and important is physical immortality. When a purified returns to life, her body is always in the peak of health. Her body is in all ways identical in both health and appearance to the body of someone in her early 20s and does not age. Also, unless specially treated before the person's change, all scars, tattoos, piercings, and other markings vanish without a trace, as the newly purified individual's body is rendered perfect and eternal. Purified who wish to keep a tattoo or a scar must spend a point of Willpower and draw a special sigil upon this mark, either upon getting the tattoo or injury or when becoming purified in the first place. If the character doesn't spend the Willpower, the scar, tattoo or other mark vanishes upon becoming purified or within a few days of getting it.
The character's body also actively attempts to return itself to its initial pristine state. Purified are immune to all diseases, gain a -2 difficulty bonus to resist all poisons, and heal significantly more rapidly than normal humans. They heal at a rate of one point Bashing damage every five minutes. They heal Lethal damage at a rate of one point every four hours and Aggravated damage heals at a rate of one point every 12 hours. Purified cannot take any Merit that speeds their healing, including the Merit: Quick Healer.
Purified also gain innate abilities relating to their new existence between the mortal world and the Shadow World. All purified can automatically see and hear any spirits, ghosts or other beings in Twilight. Not only can purified see ghosts and spirits in Twilight as easily as they can see ordinary people, they cannot choose not to see such beings. Also, because of the dual nature of their existence, any being in Twilight who sees one of the purified automatically knows that the character can see and hear them. This ability often becomes an exceptionally mixed blessing. Spirits, and even more commonly, ghosts occasionally approach purified and ask, threaten or beg for aid.
In addition to being able to see beings in Twilight, purified also automatically know the inhuman language of spirits. They can understand and speak to all spirits as easily as they can understand and speak to someone fluent in their native tongue. The only limitation on this ability is that purified who speak to spirits must speak aloud, if only in a whisper. This speech sounds like complicated gibberish to mortals who overhear it, at best it sounds like the incoherent ravings of a lunatic. Purified who wish to avoid attracting attention soon learn to either only speak to spirits when no one else is around or to do so only in a whisper.
Purified also possess a version of the Unseen Sense merit that allows them to sense the presence of any phenomena related to spirits or the Shadow Realm, as well as the active use of all unseen forces. They can sense the use of all supernatural powers, but not the presence of a vampire or werewolf. A successful Wits + Awareness roll also allows a purified character to sense the presence of any nearby loci or verges and what emotional resonances they have.

When they undergo the right of purification, these beings change their minds and their souls to be more like those of the inhabitants of the Shadow Realm, including the ability to manipulate Essence. As they gain in power and experience, the purified gain even greater power over Essence. As part of the purified template, all purified receive one dot of an ability known as Chi, which represents their connection to and power over Essence. Characters can acquire additional dots either by spending Experience Points or initial Background dots. Once play begins, additional dots of Chi can only be purchased with Experience Points.
Chi is rated from 1 to 5 dots. As a measure of the spiritual power of the purified, it has the following game effects.
* Chi is added to all rolls to resist all supernatural powers. Chi is a form of supernatural advantage.

* Chi determines how much Essence the purified can hold onto at one time and how rapidly the character can spend it. See the Effects of Chi chart.

* Chi is a measure of the character's power and status in the Shadow Realm. Spirits treat characters with higher Chi as if they were higher level spirits. Spirits with a rank lower than the purified's honorary level treat the character with deference and respect as long as they are not actively hostile to her. See the Effects of Chi chart.

Attribute / Skill /

Max Essence /
Max Essence per Turn

Effective Spirit Level
9 / 1
11 / 1
13 / 2
15 / 2
20 / 3

Because the purified have their minds and souls transformed into something more like a spirit, they also gain the ability to use Essence just like a spirit can. Using Essence allows the character to:
* Activate any Siddhi that requires Essence

* To be able to soak Lethal damage requires 1 Essence. To be able to soak Aggravated and Lethal damage requires 3 Essence. This ability lasts for a scene.

* Activate any Spirit Numina that the character knows.

* Spend one point of Essence to see from the mortal world into the Shadow Realm or from the Shadow Realm into the mortal world for one Scene.

* Spend one point of Essence to instantly heal one point of bashing or lethal damage. This Essence also instantly stops wounds from bleeding and the character's condition from deteriorating.

* Spend three points of Essence to instantly heal any aggravated wound.

* Spend one point of Essence to heal any single wound, of any sort, in the character's ephemeral body.

* Give Essence to a spirit or ghost to secure its cooperation or to pay for some service.

* Spending five points of Essence allows the character to completely reconstitute her body from ashes or fragments of bone and rot.

* Spending five points of Essence allows the character to reanimate her dead body.

Purified cannot create Essence, but must obtain it, either by extracting it from loci or obtaining it from a spirit or another of the purified, either as a gift, or by stealing it from them. Purified can absorb Essence by going to a loci. However, they cannot do so in the mortal world. To obtain Essence, the character must leave her body and enter Twilight or the Shadow Realm. The character then rolls Meditation + Wits and adds additional dice equal to the number of dots of the locus. The number of successes rolled equals the number of points of Essence gained.
The amount of Essence that one of the purified can absorb at one time depends upon their Chi. Purified who have additional dots of Chi can absorb additional Essence. Also, within 24 hours, one of the purified can absorb no more than 3 x Rating points of Essence from a single locus.
Purified may also attempt to steal Essence from spirits, ghosts, or even each other by making a contested roll of Manipulation + Meditation + Chi against the target's Wits + Meditation + Chi. The winner of the contest steals a number of Essence from the loser equal to the successes scored by the victor. Purified must touch a target to attempt to steal Essence from it. Stealing all of the Essence from a spirit causes it to become dormant and unresponsive. Stealing all the Essence from one of the purified makes him exceptionally vulnerable. Purified can only steal Essence or have Essence stolen from them when they are projecting outside of their body.